Otec so synom našli na lúke prepravku. Vďaka ich pomoci zmenili týranému psíkovi život

Nie všetky príbehy týraných psíkov majú šťastný koniec. Len pred pár dňami sme vás informovali v článku o týranom psíkovi, ktorému jeho pôvodný majiteľ odsekol kus labky a pohodil do kanála. Našťastie psíka našli ľudia z útulku a pomohli mu. Podobný príbeh sa odohral aj inde. Otec so synom išlo na motorkách po jednom statku a po ceste narazili na prepravku pre zvieratá. Z nej vychádzal veľmi smutný brechot psa.


Bred a Zach našli uprostred ničoho malú prepravku

The men spotted an animal carrier off to the side of the road and it looked like it had been there for quite some time.

Prepravka bola úplne rozkusaná a to, čo bolo vo vnútri sa snažilo dostať von

When they got closer, they noticed the top of the carrier had been chewed. Something inside was desperately trying to get out.

Potom, čo sa im ju podarilo konečne otvoriť vyšla z nej úplne zničená fenka psíka

They quickly unlocked the carrier and were shocked to find that an emaciated dog was caged inside. The inside of the crate was covered in waste. Once they finally lured her out, she was hunched over from being stuck inside a small space for so long.

Zan išiel okamžite pre psie jedlo, aby sa najedla, bola úplne zúbožená.

The men brought her some dog food, and she excitedly woofed it down.

Nakoniec si priniesli auto, aby psíka dostali do bezpečia.

The men briefly left her and came back with a truck to tote her away from this sad scene.

Fenka im bola nesmierne vďačná.

Yet, as soon as she got inside the car, she showed her gratitude. They named her Charlie Bravo, or CB for short.

Okamžite ju doma okúpali navštívili veterinára.

When they got her home, they gave her and both and noticed something shocking. They had to get her professional help. See her transformation on page two...

Veterinárka zistila, že je len podvyživená ale inak vyzerala v dobrom stave.

CB’s next stop was a visit to the vet. She had nails that were so long they had grown backwards into her paws. She was having a hard time walking and everyone was concerned.

Veterinárka odhadovala vek na 8 mesiacov, ale nikto nevedel z určitosťou povedať, ako dlho tam bola.

As vets dressed the sores that had developed from being confined for so long, they estimated that CB was about eight months old when she was found. But no one knows exactly how long she was trapped in that box.

V rodine si psíka nechceli nechať, pretože už majú troch.

Bret thinks that it was a considerable amount of time considering that CB’s paws, which are actually white, were stained dark from all the filth she had been lying in.

Nakoniec im ale prirástla k srdcu

Bret wasn’t initially planning on keeping CB, but after nursing her back to health, he couldn’t part with her.

Ani sa im nedivíme, je prekrásna ň.

Can you blame him?

Psík dostal meno Charlie a konečne našiel svoj pravý domov.

CB is now safe in a loving home.

Príbeh ale zaujal desiatky ľudí a psíkovi posielali dobrí ľudia z celého sveta finančné príspevky. Peňazí im ale prišlo veľa a rozhodli sa ich darovať miestnemu útulku

When CB’s story hit the internet via a Facebook page, the family received donations that helped pay for her medical bills.

Nebyť Breda a Zacha, asi by si tento krásny psík tak svoj život neužíval

It would be named “Charlie’s Angels.”

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