Ako vyzerajú filmy pred a po použití špeciálnych efektov?

Keď sa pozeráte na film, pravdepodobne si ani neuvedomíte, koľko techniky a ľudí treba aby sa mohol zrealizovať. Predtým bolo úplne normálne, že sa pracovalo so skutočnou krajinou alebo zvieratami, no dnes je takmer všetko robené digitálne. Niekedy ani nemôžete postrehnúť čo je realita a čo je len ilúzia vytvorená počítačom na zelenom plátne. Pozrite sa na zábery z 20-tich filmoch a ich počítačove spracovanie.

Before and After Shots That Demonstrate the Power of Visual Effects (2)

Before and After Shots That Demonstrate the Power of Visual Effects (12)

Before and After Shots That Demonstrate the Power of Visual Effects (23)

Before and After Shots That Demonstrate the Power of Visual Effects (40)

Before and After Shots That Demonstrate the Power of Visual Effects (9)

Before and After Shots That Demonstrate the Power of Visual Effects (16)

Before and After Shots That Demonstrate the Power of Visual Effects (26)

Before and After Shots That Demonstrate the Power of Visual Effects (6)

Before and After Shots That Demonstrate the Power of Visual Effects (10)

Before and After Shots That Demonstrate the Power of Visual Effects (35)

Before and After Shots That Demonstrate the Power of Visual Effects (5)

Before and After Shots That Demonstrate the Power of Visual Effects (24)

Before and After Shots That Demonstrate the Power of Visual Effects (13)

Before and After Shots That Demonstrate the Power of Visual Effects (30)

Before and After Shots That Demonstrate the Power of Visual Effects (17)

Before and After Shots That Demonstrate the Power of Visual Effects (18)

Before and After Shots That Demonstrate the Power of Visual Effects (32)

Before and After Shots That Demonstrate the Power of Visual Effects (21)

Before and After Shots That Demonstrate the Power of Visual Effects (37)

Before and After Shots That Demonstrate the Power of Visual Effects (14)

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