Černobyl obsadili influenceri. Fotia si tam veľmi nevhodné fotografie.

Jadrová katastrofa v Černobyle spôsobila nevídaný ošiaľ ohľadom tohoto rokmi a radiáciou zničeného miesta. Už pár rokov  od katastrofy na to miesto prúdili zvedavci, ktorí si ho chceli obzrieť. Okrem nich tam teraz však momentálne prúdia davy influencerov, ktorí tam idú s cieľom vytvorenia zaujímavých fotografií.

Influenceri si v Černobyle vytvárajú nevhodné fotografie, svojich obnažených tiel. Žena sa tam vyzliekajú a fotia sa v sexy spodnej bielizni. Toto správanie vôbec nie je úctivé a neuvedomujú si, že kvôli katastrofe zomreli tisícky ľudí. Ich neznalosť či ignorantstvo je naozaj sebecké a neberú do úvahy, že týmto správaním ovplyvňujú najmä mladých ľudí.

Image credits: nz.nik

Craig Mazin, scenárista populárneho seriálu Černobyl povedal: ,,Je úžasné, že seriál Chernobyl od HBO naštartoval veľkú vlnu záujmu o Černobyľ. Ale videl som fotky, ktoré sú už cez čiaru. Ak navštívite toto miesto, pamätajte, že sa tam stala hrozná tragédia. Myslite s úctou na všetkých, ktorí tam trpeli a umierali.“

Podľa hodnotení imdb je tento seriál najlepším seriálom na celom svete. Práve kvôli nemu ľudia húfne cestujú cestovkami, ktoré hlásia 30-40 percentný nárast tržieb.

Image credits: komacore

Because yes, influencers getting their perfect pic in Chernobyl is now a thing

Image credits: amanduhwhite

Image credits: juliabaessler


Image credits: luisitocomunica Verified

Image credits: rami.mogyorosi

Image credits: arkadiuszwolek2

Image credits: irene_vivch

Image credits: gdelchev

Sadly, this story seems to lean toward the latter. On the back of the success of HBO’s Chernobyl, influencers have been flocking to Pripyat to pose for photos, giving little historical context about what actually occurred there but pulling plenty of the usual vapid, cliched poses that we’ve come to expect from these people.

Image credits: kateryna_maslennikova

Image credits: lena_leontieva

Image credits: juliabaessler

Image credits: soloshenko_gregory

Image credits: juliabaessler

Image credits: nz.nik

Of course, Chernobyl is not Auschwitz; nearly all of Pripyat’s 50,000 residents were safely evacuated from the abandoned town, which is still heavily contaminated with radiation from the accident in 1986. However, it is the site of a human tragedy that has affected the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. What possible excuse could you have for getting sexy there?

This is the ugly side of disaster tourism. People cynically using a catastrophe to further their own ends, trying to give the impression of being ‘adventurous’ and ‘curious,’ but instead relegating a somber, meaningful place to just another background for endless selfies.

Sure, visit Pripyat. Read and learn about what occurred there, about the heroic people that sacrificed themselves trying to contain the accident and the realities of life under communism. Discuss the pros and cons of nuclear energy. Take pictures and share your experience with your friends! But don’t get your butt out. Your butt is irrelevant and disrespectful to the memory of the people that lost their lives there, OK?


Image credits: juliabaessler

To be fair, while there are some hideously thoughtless and tasteless pics here, some of them, like those showing the level of radiation still at the site, could be considered informative.

What do you think? Is this kind of disaster tourism just plain wrong? Would you visit Pripyat to see what remains after the accident? Let us know your views in the comments below!

Image credits: mayuyudayo

Image credits: juliabaessler

Image credits: mnordstjerne


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